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Old 05-15-2022, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Casey2296 View Post
Same thing going on in high cost real estate, deals going for 150k over ask are now going for ask, but the ask price is still high and sellers are getting their price. I do think there was deals to be had like Ryan's Plows Cobb.
Out of curiosity I looked up the selling price of the Plow's Candy Cobb (great card by the way Ryan), and saw that it had sold for almost exactly 3x the amount the same exact card, in same holder, sold for 6 years ago (in fact exactly six years to the date...kinda cool).

In a normal world (which I mean the past in our hobby) that would be a great profit for the seller, but the market for BIG NAME HOF'ers has, as everyone and their doctor knows, gone nuts the last several years, so yes indeed I think this particular card came at a great bargain price.

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