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Old 06-01-2022, 12:27 PM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Michael, if "pro-abortion" is not the best or most neutral term, then neither is "pro-choice," which is a feelgood phase that misleadingly implies that all that is involved is a decision by a single individual.
Whether or not to have an abortion IS a choice, usually decided by either one or two (the father if he's around) people. It's not a "feelgood" phrase, it's simply a phrase that best describes the one side of the issue - that a woman should be able to choose whether she has an abortion or not. Whether to have an abortion or not is an agonizing choice women must make after very careful consideration. It doesn't mean they are pro-abortion, it means that at that moment, choosing to have an abortion is best for them.

The whole issue regarding abortion comes down to one question - when does life begin? If a person believes life begins at conception, then they should be against abortions and should choose not to have one. But, not everyone believes that life begins at conception. I don't (that's why I can be pro-life and pro-choice). Women who choose to have an abortion most likely do not. Many other people do not believe life begins at conception. By not allowing a pregnant woman to abort the unborn fetus if that is her choice, a person who believes life begins at conception is imposing their BELIEF on that woman. She's being denied her choice. Earlier you were talking about extreme views - my belief is that believing life begins at conception is the extreme view. Many extreme responses are required to fully implement that view.
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