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Old 06-02-2022, 08:12 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Okay. Webster's is part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to brand pro-life as an abortion term.
Okay. And you say this, why?

Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
You know what it means, especially in the context of an abortion discussion. Stop pretending to be stupid. There are many words I don't like and wouldn't use to label things, but such is the world. Pro-life and pro-choice are both positive sounding brandings. In my little niche of the world, 'gun control' is a phrase to describe A) the use of a holster or sling with passive retention to ensure retention of my weapon or B) proper handling of my weapon and a muzzle brake to keep follow up rounds in the hitbox of my target. Does that mean I'm going to come here and pretend gun-control means lots of things and it isn't just legislation aimed at restricting firearms? I would score some virtue signaling and martyr points with some extremists on my side, but no. That would be ridiculous. Words have actual meanings, regardless of my feelings. That meaning is not whatever the hell I want it to be.
Yes, I know what it is co-opted to mean by those who are against abortion. But seriously, how can a person claim to be pro-life if he/she wants to execute people? Seriously. That's all I want to know.

Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
This is a very bad argument. I am greatly amused that we had an intelligent discussion in this thread about both guns and abortion that was polite and earnest while people debated the actual issue. It is only now when 2 people are pretending they don't know what common-use terms mean that its derailing.
This thread got derailed when abortion was thrown in the mix. Don't pretend otherwise.
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