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Old 09-16-2022, 09:26 PM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Posts: 1,045
Default Roberto or Al

G1911 and campyfan-

So, all knowing 1911, what does "triggered" mean? It sounds like it refers
to anyone who doesn't lay down for your tortured narratives, who actually
dissents rather than acquiesces. I'm sure that's just me though...

So, to be called incredibly emotional and factually wrong, aren't insults. Oh,
that's right. All I need do is cave to your aggression, then passive
aggression, then outright hostility- not to mention your errors- and all the
unpleasant terminology goes away. You make it sound so reasonable.

You can say the arguments for Roberto aren't compelling, but that doesn't
make you right. I can tell people all day long that I'm 6 feet tall, and it
won't change the fact that I'm 5'10".

Now then, get the bolts on your neck tightened and have a chat with
someone not named Siri or Alexa, might do you some good. Your tiny
bubble reeks of sadness (and Dorito dust, I'll wager..) No insult intended,
of course!

Campyfan- you should be ashamed. So Roberto was "awesome" but
"overrated"? Are you a burner account for G1911? Geesh, what an insane
comment, you contradict yourself within a 6 word sentence! I know this will
bounce off your forehead into space, but for posterity I'll point out Roberto
was NOT a "young athlete". His bona fides CLEARLY qualified him for HOF
status after a career that was probably 5 times longer than the average
tenure for a player. As for your remark about musicians choking on their
own vomit, perhaps you should lay off the crack pipe yourself. Good Lord!!

By now I'm sure you are both "triggered", no longer able to think
logically, and hopefully headed to your safe spaces. Once you've recovered,
keep in mind I've yet to say a SINGLE negative word about Al Kaline and
recognize his excellence. Neither of you can say the same about Roberto,
and neither could you stay on the *^*$!* topic despite your self-proclaimed
knowledge of it. Trent King
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