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Old 09-17-2022, 03:03 PM
gonefishin gonefishin is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 757

It's evident by the comments that a key to success of the show was both Frank and Mike. Although Mike may think he is the 'Big' star and losing Frank was no big deal, he would be wrong. People really enjoyed watching Frank and he always came off as more sincere than Mike - always. He of course has been replaced by Mikes bother and Jersey. Jersey is tolerable but the brother has got to move on down the road. Mike has made his millions and should move on also. The sun is setting in the west for the show.

Yes for sure Pawn Stars is pre-screened, because they contacted me to see if I was interested in presenting a couple of items that I had for sell on ebay. I went through the interview process, etc., but that was as far as it went. I was to be contacted by scheduling but that never happened. I'm sure all the other comparable reality shows are the same - they would have to be.

Regardless, good luck to Frank - he was a joy to watch.
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