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Old 09-17-2022, 05:05 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Times and thinking change guys. I've never said I defend or condone what Bauer does, so if anyone is insinuating that I'm sticking up and dying on some hill for him, I am not. But I'm also not going to be intimidated or influenced by anyone's myopic thinking and comments either. Last I looked, this is still a free country and he has a right to say and do want he wants, within the law, and whether anyone else likes and/or agrees with it or not. All I'm pointing out is how some people come on here and immediately say he's horrible and disgusting, without possibly knowing the entire story or situation, and convicting him in their minds because he is odd and different, based on all the stories and such that have come out about him over the years.

Do those being so critical of Bauer know if he has any mental or other issues? Is he possibly a bit autistic, or maybe he's just a lot like the Sheldon Cooper character from The Big Bang Theory TV series. A sizable portion of our population have and deal with any number and variety of mental, sociological, and physical defects and issues, and many so-called "normal" people look down on and show bias, discrimination, and outright hate for such people, without ever knowing or understanding where those people have come from and what they've had to deal with in their lives.

There is another extremely huge thing that those condemning Bauer have completely failed to mention or discuss......what about the alleged victim? Not one of the naysayers has mentioned anything about the alleged victim's background, demeanor, or situation in the least. They just say they hate Bauer and/or what he allegedly did. Remember, Bauer didn't go out and kidnap some women to take back to his apartment to abuse and rape them. These women met him somehow and apparently shared some thoughts and beliefs with him as far as sexual preferences, and clearly liked him enough to voluntarily want to be with him and engage in what some of you look upon as deviant sexual activity and behavior. Now, were these women actually into the "rough sex" scene that Bauer apparently is into, or were they into being with a star athlete who makes lots of money and maybe decided to put up with Bauer's sexual preferences to have a chance to score the rich athlete of their dreams, or maybe they were just crazy or with low esteem and confidence and grabbing at anything they can and Bauer just happened to be the low hanging fruit they hooked up with? We'll most likely never really know, but whatever the reason, it seems the Bauer naysayers have no comments in regard to the possibility that these women may be as much, or even more, to blame than Bauer. Yet not a one of the naysayers has mentioned that aspect at all of potential shared blame. They sound like they condemn Bauer simply because he's the man, so the women are automatically the victim and he's totally guilty?

Some naysayers call Bauer misogynistic as supposed proof of their point of view, but offer no background or explanation as to how or why he may have a dislike for women. And even if he does have an overall dislike or distrust of women, why does that automatically mean to some that he is guilty in this situation? For all we know, he may have been abused by his own Mother, or some other female(s) in his early years, and those issues possibly have carried over to his adult life. The fact is, none of us know the entire and complete backgrounds and situations of BOTH parties to this case, and all the circumstances surrounding it. Yet, it seems some of the people out there are quick to condemn Bauer as disgusting and horrible, lay all the fault at his feet, and apparently condone what MLB has done to possibly punish Bauer prematurely for what may ultimately turn out to be nothing more than he's the man in the situation, which given the current thinking of society about women's rights and the influence of the #MeToo and like movements, makes him automatically guilty.

Geez, talk about how misinformation, lack of information, biases, and discrimination can play into what happens in our world!
Look at the pictures of her and that may help realize why it’s an uphill battle for me to take his side on this. You beat the crap out of someone and I’m not giving you the benefit of the doubt.
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