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Old 10-06-2022, 05:26 AM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Default Rams protester files police report?

Another sign that the Apocalypse is near... I am not a fan of the Rams and
do not know any of the involved parties:

Just read a Yahoo!Sports article which stated that the idiot who ran onto the
field during the Rams NFL game, filed a report with Santa Clara police after
he was tackled by player Bobby Wagner (alleging an "assault", I suppose).

So much wrong with this story that it's difficult to proceed in an orderly way:

1) A guy who was COMMITTING A CRIME in a large crowd environment,
somehow thinks he's entitled to "file a report" because he got a boo-boo?

2) Where has discretion gone? The guy could easily have been told "no" by
Santa Clara PD. (Yes, I know the criminal would have taken to Twitter/
Facebook etc to express his outrage at being told "no". My point is that
"no" is sometimes a valid answer.)

3) I sincerely hope the DA doesn't cave to pressure, or is so malleable that
he/she actually approves a charge. Good Lord...

I can't wait to see the responses

Trent King
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