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Old 10-08-2022, 02:08 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by Smarti5051 View Post
Yeah, with millions of dollars on the line and offices running every analytic under the sun to determine what pitchers are getting that money, I am sure a reliever (or starter) is willing to gift 2 runs to the other team so that Pujols can catch a milestone. It shouldn't matter that all of the pitchers conspiring to gift the legend 9 RBIs have probably never met or said a word to the guy. I could maybe see a 9th inning walk to extend a consecutive games reaching base record or a gimme pitch at the ASG, but nobody is sacrificing .25 on their ERA for the season to let Pujols pad his stats.

I am sure all of us would gladly risk our careers by giving up a valuable appointment with a company prospect so that Miley Cyrus can have our last spot on the plane to make it to her record setting 300th consecutive performance.
Besides the above how many pitches would they have to groove in a live game? In the HR Derby the best hitters actually have a guy that regularly pitches to them doing their absolute best to groove them one and still can't get good contact most of the time.
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