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Old 10-13-2022, 05:37 PM
Smarti5051 Smarti5051 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 172

Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe View Post
You make excellent points......for someone who cares more about location & other fluff then winning.

He could have had pretty much all you mentioned if he just went across town and played for a winner.
So then a player should always go to the place that offers him the easiest path to championships? So Kawhi was an idiot for not joining the Lakers three years ago when they had just acquired AD. AD + Lebron + Kawhi would have virtually guaranteed a good 4-5 year run of titles, barring major injuries. He and Durant could have gone down 1-2 as the greatest NBA players of all time with all their rings on stacked teams.

I guess Aaron Judge should just go ahead and sign with the Dodgers this offseason, along with Correa and deGrom. Nobody cares about competition in sports, it is just about the one holding the trophy. I can just tune out the playoffs until Game 6 or 7 of the World Series. Can you let me know when a team is within an out or two of winning, so I can start caring about the season? Nevermind, I will just wait for Sportscenter to do it for me. Seven months of my life freed up!
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