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Old 11-09-2022, 03:00 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
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Originally Posted by Mike D. View Post
Thanks BobC. I personally agree that it's "too soon" for the guys who just dropped off the ballot. Even a wait for the next cycle in 3 years would have helped...and likely led to their chances of election to increase.

On McGwire/Sosa...I didn't want to write a book, so I had to cut my list at a certain point...but these were likely the two next names I'd have mentioned. I kind of get the impression that Bonds/Clemens will be the first of the "steroid era" guys to get in, with others like McGwire/Sosa to follow.

And of course, Bud Selig being in the Hall of Fame but keeping the steroid crowd out is silly...since he happily looked the other way and let it all happen.

Of course, that raises the "Why is Palmeiro on the list?" question. Replacing him with a clean player from my list of snubs would have been better. I also don't love that several players are getting their third appearance on the ballot before some others get a first look.

It's an imperfect system, for sure. And the whole mess with PEDs, legal issues, politics, etc. makes it so ugly. I miss the old days when just what a player did on the field was PLENTY for us to argue about.

And yeah, based on rookie card value, pretty clear collectors don't think Albert Belle is a Hall of Famer.
Yes, they should make those guys dropping of the regular ballot after 10 years kind of go and get in the back of the line again, so to speak. LOL

But if one of them gets elected on this first ever Contemporary Era committee ballot now, that really does negatively reflect on and impact the value and opinions of the BBWAA voters. Will be interesting to see how the hand-picked 16 members of this committee decide. And since as I now understand it, these committee members are being chosen by the Directors of the HOF, it essentially means the HOF Board of Directors is effectively deciding who gets in.
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