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Old 11-18-2022, 11:08 PM
jethrod3 jethrod3 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 316

Originally Posted by Carter08 View Post
Fully agree with this. At the National the first booth I went to had a table full of nazi cards. Really off putting, especially since I went with a friend who is Jewish. There are some lines to draw and that’s certainly one for me.
Yup, and that's another reason why I won't collect some old non-sports issues. On a related note, I'll sometimes attend in-person auctions in Indiana and also bid in some auctions from smaller companies online, and it bothers me that many of these auction houses sell Nazi paraphernalia. They sell this crap because obviously some people buy it, but I have considered contacting the owners of these auction houses and asking them why they wish to perpetuate interest in objects associated with nothing buy hate. I've held off from doing so....people have a right to sell what they want as long as it's not illegal. But I may well start personally avoiding the places that include such items in their auctions. I'm sure my business wouldn't be missed in most cases.
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