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Old 12-23-2022, 06:40 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by familytoad View Post
Ice is expected to blanket the entire county here and in my little town there’s no way to avoid fairly steep hills to get in/out of town.
(So I won’t)

The nearby highway heading east is closed for about 50 miles due to ice/winds up to 75 mph .

My driveway and road in front of my house is a hockey rink.
It’s actually unsafe for people to leave their house. Driving is not advised.

So far we haven’t lost power here, but due to the weight of the ice on the lines, that’s usually inevitable. I’ve got plenty of baseball cards to read…

Happy Holidays to everyone!
Stay safe and warm.

Woke up to frozen water today. For some reason I have a hot water line for my kitchen sink that they run next to the foundation. A hair dryer and about 20 minutes of heating the line from the sink going backwards worked.

Kinda my fault as I have thought about fixing it since we bought this house about a dozen years ago. Maybe this summer.

I am already tired of winter. We are on about day 10 of crap weather. Started out with a few day blizzard and now double digit below zero weather with 25+ mph winds. Looking at a balmy high of -4 today with a nice 25-30 MPH breeze.

Weatherman says by Tuesday we will be back to our normal high 20s temps for this time of year. That will be nice.
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