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Old 12-29-2022, 05:03 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by JollyElm View Post
As a rabid Buffalo Bills fan (Go Buff!!!!!!!!), I miss the mud bowls, the snow bowls and all of that deliciousness. The weather being an extreme factor was a beautifully entertaining thing, but now they employ a thousand people (snow archaeologists?) and machines to dig down and find the turf, until all you see is a field of green. Gimme the white and brown again!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to the OP's point, the way Andre Reed fearlessly covered the middle of the field, getting absolutely hammered whether or not he caught the ball, is something that is gone with the (lake effect) wind. For safety's sake, that's obviously a very good, necessary thing, but for smash mouth football it's a bit of a shame.

The biggest problem I see these days are the roughing the passer penalties (yes, contrarians, I know you're going to state something to the effect of, "RTP penalties are actually down this year"). There has got to be a lot more leeway on what constitutes a foul. Protecting the QB is one thing, but the examples have to be more blatantly penalty worthy. It's a risky job, so if you stay in the pocket, you have to expect the hammer to come down. If an LB gets to you right after you release the ball, come on now!! That's NOT a penalty. If you toss the ball and a DE takes a few steps and then clobbers you, that IS a penalty. There's got to be a better balance. Those free 15 yards and a first down on a ridiculous call can decide games.

Most don't do it yet, but I've seen a couple QB's flop like an Italian Soccer player who just saw a ghost.

Hope it doesn't become commonplace, but if you incentivize it like they sure will.

Oh, and all these amazing comebacks we've seen lately. It's feeling a lot like early 2000's NBA, Tim Donaghy era reffing. Less about favoritism and more about keeping the games close, just to keep fans invested in the games.
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