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Old 02-01-2023, 10:49 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,153

Lots of interesting stuff here.
In Mass, an e-bike that con go over 25 is supposedly a motorcycle (Last I checked) so not really allowed lots of places. But ebikes that fast used to be really uncommon.
I worked for a bike shop directly on a multi-use bike path.(sort of still do)
We had one Ebike, that had a claimed top speed of 25. Not with me on it though, no matter how I tried I just couldn't get it past about 20.
I raced one season - entry level and years ago, and I'm not all that slow.

The shop now carries a decent line of e bikes. The path is off limits to motorized vehicles, (except police/fire/ambulance/dpw... )
When we asked the police, they said they had no interest in enforcing that on something like an Ebike that's quiet. But if someone was being "that guy" on an ebike, it would be part of the ticket or charges.

Cyclists in general.
Ok, so I am one, and used to be very fast. I know the rules, and usually just follow them as much as it's practical. Like our state law is that cyclists must ride as far right as is practical. What exactly does that mean? Well, to me it means that if traffic is doing about 30 and so am I I'm right out in the road with the cars. Haven't really been that fast in a long time. (I did do some iffy and not so sane things when I was young)

The elitist cyclists are a-holes here too, the stories I have from the shop about them.... Except, the "elite" guys are typically anything but.
One day we had a sudden windstorm, which broke off a tree about 20 ft up and leaning on another tree so it was over the path. Not a safe thing in high winds and pouring rain. I went out and was warning people that came by and offered the shop as a dry place to wait it out. Had 5-6 people think that was a splendid idea. And two that made rude gestures and told me to F off??? Of course they were in the lycra clown suit advertising the other local shop - their customers have a bit of a reputation...
While waiting, I noticed one of the guys in the shop has a serotta built Murray bike with a number hanger. (For real pro/very high level amateur bike from the 80's) I commented on it and asked if he knew whose it was and his reply was "Mine from when I was on the junior national team"
Yes, and actual elite rider.
We talked a bit and got on the subject of the guys who though they were good. Like the ones that were so rude. We had a good laugh when I said they were a bunch of fat middle aged lance wannabees.

There's another local guy I've seen on the road that sometimes wears a US national team jersey from the 80's, and one day he was doing a track stand while waiting for a school bus. Basically staying in one spot without putting a foot down. Not at all easy on a road bike. I suspect the national team jersey isn't a replica.
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