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Old 02-07-2023, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
It's hard to understand why anyone would be against cleaner living. If you don't believe in global warming that's your prerogative, but why stand in the way of cleaner living?

What is the aversion to solar and cleaner energy when it can be practically applied? Why would it be a bad thing to have less plastic in the world? What's so wrong about preserving wild habitats? Why not have more fresh water?

What is it about these efforts that gets people so riled up? Why be against them? Why suggest these efforts are in vain in some way?

I also think it's a good idea to mention that climate and temperature are not the same thing. Because it is cold for a brief stretch of time (months, weeks, days, etc.) it does not mean the overall climate is not getting warmer.
And this is what you've been brainwashed into believing. Believing those that don't believe in the global warming grift are OK with burning heaps of used tires and dumping used oil down the culverts, to name a couple.

If you think for one minute solar and wind power are anymore friendly, and not actually worse, watch "The Planet of Humans" It was produced by Michael Moore (it's documentary not a made for Hollywood movie) who was once a global warming god, a crusader, until he had his eyes opened.
Just like what we see if anyone goes against any current batch of Liberal lies, he was labelled a racist, sexist, homophobic and bible thumping moron, or in other words, any words they could use, even if they didn't apply, to shut him up.

You mention preserving wildlife habitats but your side has no issue with completely razing forests, lopping off mountain tops, and ruining other habitats to put up solar and wind farms. Little hypocritical, don't you think?

Do you honestly believe CO2 is bad? Do you believe wind and solar, especially when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn't shine, is going to sustain us?
Do you believe natural gas is bad? Do you believe Nuclear energy is bad?
What's the alternative? To cut down forests so people can keep warm and to cook their food? They will because it's instinctual.

Your last part is simply wrong. First and foremost the earth has actually cooled over the last decade, not warmed, and if you actually believe it has, why have the glaciers grew and not melted?
Do you honestly think this is the warmest the planet has ever been? Heard of the Medieval warming period that the alarmists would like removed from the history books?

Curious, what do you suppose melted the glaciers before man was even on this planet? Could it be the warmth of the sun, the earth shifting on its axis or numerous other things, or do you believe, like someone else on here, that global warming is causing these record cold spells even though they said things like cold and snow worldwide would be a thing of the past over 30-40 yrs ago?

It's a grift, no 2 ways about it and many liars are getting filthy rich because of it, because they've brainwashed so many, through their lies, to buy in.
Have you ever noticed they, the alarmists, use words such as "could" and "might" when they're talking about the earth/planet getting warmer just like Bill Nye does here? "COULD" go up another 4 to 8 degrees. The man is insane and actually said he needs old people to die off in order to continue with the global warming narrative.
Why do you suppose he'd say something like that? People have been brainwashed into agreeing with him. If that is not insanity and a sign of what this movement is all about, then I don't know what is?
Here's The Planet of Humans. Watch it to the very end, including the credits, then get back to me and tell me how great this "green energy" movement is and how it is any greener than what we already have.
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