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Old 02-10-2023, 07:27 AM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
And, that would also look hypocritical with all the big diesel/gas powered equipment and machinery they would need to mine/extract those things, never mind the costs in the billions.
No, currently, because it is so much cheaper, they use child labor in far away countries paying children a dollar a day, if that, to mine those elements for them, but of course, rarely, there is no funded media coverage of it as they want to keep those facts and the real truth away from those that believe green energy, every bit of it, is green and friendly from top to bottom.

Just like the movie shows, they never talk nor show you those things that they expose. I wonder how many know how many times they tried to delete/remove this movie?
I wonder how many know, since they couldn't have it removed, that the Liberal funded Youtube had an age restriction setting placed on it to help keep the viewing numbers down for those that didn't belong to youtube nor wanted to nor knew how to sign in?
Numerous vids that were once up showing these children down in totally unsafe pits in the worst possible working conditions have now been removed. I wonder why they don't want people seeing those or knowing the real story behind the ev, solar and wind movement???
Our Liberal govt's know this but why don't they speak of these things and go out of their way to keep it quiet???
The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that at least 25,000 children are working in cobalt mines in the DRC, a number that is sure to grow as the production of climate-friendly electric cars expands.

Cobalt mines – child labour in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Cobalt is a critical component in rechargeable car batteries and is indispensable for the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources.Jun 17, 2022

Green energy, Yeah, way way better than what we currently have.
Seriously, without those high paying jobs those kids and their families would go hungry. Good for them for doing what they can to improve their lives.
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