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Old 03-05-2023, 09:33 AM
tpeichel tpeichel is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 49

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Many people thought the same thing during WW II when the U.S. took on a two front war with Germany and Japan. What is really interesting is that in that war, it was actually the U.S. that saved Russia and China. You can talk about how great Russia and their army was in defeating Hitler, but truth be known, were it not for the U.S. entering the fray and creating a second front for the Germans to have to fight on, I kind of think the German army, despite the issues and difficulties in dealing with Russian weather and the willingness of Russia's communist leaders to sacrifice the lives of their people to defend and protect themselves and their positions of power (sound familiar to events of today), would have eventually prevailed. And the Chinese were basically at the mercy of the Japanese, until again the U.S. became involved and eventually prevailed. And IIRC, after the end of the war, didn't Generals Patton and MacArthur both campaign to take their forces, fresh from defeating the Axis powers, and suggest being allowed to now turn their attention towards the Communist powers and dictatorships in both Russia and China, but in the interest of world peace, understanding, and cooperation, denied by the U.S. government? Funny how history has proven both of them to have been pretty much right on money.

Also, look at what happened to the main Axis powers that were defeated in WW II, and were then occupied by the victors (ie: the U.S). We eventually turned control back over to the Japanese and German people, helped them establish their more democratic forms of government, assisted in their reconstruction and growth, and then basically left them alone to let them become the countries they are today. The U.S. didn't stay in those countries, take control of their governments, coerce and manipulate their people with force, propaganda, militarized police, suppression of people's rights and freedoms, and deny them access and information from the rest of the world. Now look at China and Russia and how they operate in today's world, and how they claim territory in other countries and lands that are clearly not theirs, nor the people in those countries voluntarily wanting them to be in control. And then once they do gain some control, they use military force, covert operations, the denial of freedom of speech, the suppression of information from outside sources, and all kinds of "re-education" type of camps (ie: prisons) and other methods to retrain the populace to think only like powers in control want.

For all the BS some of these jackasses on here spew, just remember, you have the right and ability to argue with the rest of us who have to then listen to all your garbage, lies, and false crap. But at least we recognize and allow more than one side to speak their peace and say what they want here in our country. Are we perfect, HELL NO! But instead of complaining about us so much, why not take your crap over to one of these other countries you keep trying to defend, and live there if they are sooooo much better than us. Of course, God forbid that down the road someone in power in that other country does something you end up not agreeing with 100%. And then try to do/say the same kind of crap there that you can get away with here in this country, and I'd advise you to make sure the next time you take a trip anywhere else in that country that you refrain from asking for a penthouse or upper floor room to stay in. Would hate to see you take a walk out on a balcony and accidently slip and fall. Tsk tsk tsk!!!
Why shouldn't people criticize our government when it seems determined to get us into a war? I can't think of anything the US has done to deescalate the situation in Ukraine. Can you?

Did we learn nothing from the Neocons lying to us to get us into the wars in the Middle East?
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