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Old 03-07-2023, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
And now they're saying a pitcher can't pitch until the batter is in the box and "aware" of the pitcher. Which is determined by the batter looking at the pitcher?!

Speed up, but not that much.

Everything they do to make the game "better" just effs it up more.

I believe the batter has to be in the box and "aware" by 8 seconds left.

There's going to be a lot of cat and mousing and strategizing going on.

Some batters will be stepped out of the batters box, and will set just before 8 seconds, and some pitchers will try and get the ball out of their hands as quickly as possible if they see the batter set at 19 seconds.

I've been to lots of Minor League games with a pitch clock, and I never really noticed it being much of a factor at all.

That said, minor league games have always been played at a brisker pace then MLB games. Lots less arguing balls & strikes, and aside from some colorful clips on Youtube, there's much less arguing with the umps in general...even on very obvious bad calls. Very little screwing around.

It was almost always...get these guys playing time, get the games done as quick as possible, and move on to the next town.

I think there will be lots more strategizing just to get the tiniest edge possible at the Major League level.

What's also great about Minor League ball? I've yet to see a Neil Diamond impersonator between innings of a Major League game, or a wrestling event in tandem with an MLB game. Friday night Fireworks shows are also pretty great.
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