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Old 03-16-2023, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Rad_Hazard View Post
Nice card! I found this link which gives some info (and a pic):

This 1878 lithographic advertising card is one of a set of six, all featuring American authors. It is interesting that Poe’s picture appears without any identifying caption, suggesting that Poe’s image was already well recognized. This particular card reads: “Leander Sibley, News Agent, Notions, Variety, Goods, 141 Main Street, Orders taken for Publications and Music. Spencer, Mass.” The same card, however, was used for various purposes, including student honor awards. In very small print in the lower left corner is the note: “Copyrighted 1878 by Wemble & Kronheim N.Y.” In the lower right corner is the designation: “Series No. 25.”

The other five authors, each with a different spray of flowers, are: H. W. Longfellow, N. P. Willis, R. W. Emerson, J. G. Whittier and W. C. Bryant. Clearly, the redemption of Poe’s character, begun in 1875 with the dedication of the monument over his grave in Baltimore, was well underway.

This is amazing thanks so much!
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