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Old 03-26-2023, 09:31 AM
marzoumanian marzoumanian is offline
Mark Arzoumanian
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Chicago
Posts: 234
Default OT: eBay vs Steiners on 60 Minutes Tonight

Remember that eBay scandal where execs from the company harassed Ina and David Steiner, editors of a newsletter that told the unvarnished truth about the company? eBay did some truly horrible stuff to this courageous couple. Well, the couple will be interviewed on 60 Minutes tonight. I will be watching and I thought forum members might like to hear what they have to say about their experiences directly. It's a heads-up here. Peace.
P.S. I was an editor of a trade pub myself and took my share of grief about what I reported so I have been following this case closely.
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