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Old 03-27-2023, 05:04 AM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Default NCAA madness continued

Robbie- indeed! I didn't fill out a bracket this year, but if I had done so it
would have looked like one of my high school Algebra exams by now- filled
with red "x" marks I love how the Final 4 shakes out, and don't care a
a bit if networks like it or not...

One part of the "madness" that doesn't seem to stop in this day and age,
are"fans" who want officials to swallow their whistles at the end of close
games. I'll preface by saying I had no dog in the fight whatsoever in
Creighton/SDSU yesterday. It was actually fun to watch a close game
without any emotional investment. Here's the thing, and there's no getting
around it- the foul call at the end WAS A FOUL. It's even more clear
in slow motion, the official was absolutely correct. I remain amazed by
people who claim "the refs decided that game" or my personal favorite- "you
can't call that foul at that time". Yes, the officials can indeed call it, and they
should have. There are players in all manner of sports who have this
mentality that they will be able to get away with cheating at the end.
That needs to stop and players need to play the sport, not stretch the
rules and hope they get away with it.

I've descended from the soapbox, Final 4 should be entertaining!

Trent King
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