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Old 03-30-2023, 03:32 PM
jimq16415 jimq16415 is offline
jim qu.inlisk
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 214

Originally Posted by CTDean View Post
I have had this happen four times in the last year. I retrieved two and lost two. At my post office if tracking marks a package out for delivery and then is marked delivered to locker later in the day you can count on the package being left at the wrong house and the carrier failed to scan it. When I checked at the post office for one of my lost packages (delivered to locker) the clerk said one of the supervisors checks the carrier routes at the end of the day and marks all unscanned packages as "delivered to locker". The clerk that told me about the supervisor happens to be my daughter. I told the supervisor the next time he marks one of my packages "delivered to locker" he will be explaining to Postal Inspectors exactly where this locker is. I also live in one of those old time neighborhoods with a mailbox at every house.

I was a mailman and this happened at my office also. We had to bring our scanners to the supervisor before we went home, he had a list of scans our route should have, then any we missed would get scanned as delivered. If any parcels went undelivered, my boss got yelled at the next morning. On my route out of 740 families I had no parcel lockers. On other routes I worked the only places with parcel lockers were at trailer parks. We must have been old timers too.
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