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Old 04-09-2023, 07:42 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Jenx34 View Post
That's exactly what they do. In the grand scheme of things, it's not a huge cost to them, especially if you keep buying.

i paid for cards won over several days. Later that night, decided to bid on and won 2 more cards. I should have waited to pay but didn't think I'd win them. I emailed them asking if they could combine and add those 2 cards to the same package since it had not reached the post office yet. Their response was they could not add them to the package as it was already done and sealed, but would send them separately and happily adjust the postage. The 2nd order did not have any shipping charges. I even replied telling them I didn't expect them to do that and they said not to worry about it.

So they don't hold them for more purchases once paid.

I understand that for an individual order/situation it is not necessarily a huge thing or cost to them, but have you been listening to everyone talking about how big and huge their sales volume is? Those instances you refer to, where they may end up eating the S&H costs, are much more likely to be at least a feeewwww more than you or anyone else may realize. I don't know that for a fact, nor can I in any way prove that beyond a doubt. I am just using decades of business experience, and my observations and knowing how many humans like to think and operate. My guess is that the bottom line cost(s) to GM for such S&H cost adjustments is a lot more, in both time and actual money, than you may suspect. As a possible comparison (and note, I am saying possible, not absolutely factual) look at Ebay and their Ebay Authentication Program for cards. How many people have already asked and wondered when they're going to start charging for it. But for many, the initial reasoning and supposition as to why Ebay put this into place to begin with is that Ebay may have gotten tired of eating the costs involved when there ended up being issues, and they couldn't effectively lay total blame on the buyer or seller, and/or tried to not alienate and piss off said buyer or seller. So to Ebay, this Authentication Program may actually be quite cheaper for them, even though there are still many people complaining and moaning about the Authentication Program.

Does anyone really think that GM cards so strictly and perpetually follows every single one of their written rules and such, that they would maybe never tell their employees something like hold off on shipping things a few days after they're paid so we don't end up getting so many more requests from customers after the fact wanting combined shipping discounts and refunds? You do live in the same world as I, don't you? Assuming so, you know the world is filled with people who'll try to get a discount or break from a seller like GM cards every day of the week, and twice on Sundays, simply because they can?

If I were GM, I can very easily see telling my employees to slow down on the shipping a few days so as to not end up eating more S&H costs to satisfy those that either didn't understand or even/ever bother looking at my rules on combined shipping, or that knew about the rules but didn't care and still wanted the discount anyway. And then when someone did call in now with a complaint and/or question about why the slow shipping, I'd tell the employees to just tell them to blame it on the post office. Lord knows everyone is well aware of all the recent issues that the postal service has been having, and would most likely just accept that explanation and quit bothering GM about it going forward. Also, even if they didn't like slightly slower shipping, as many posting in this thread have so clearly stated, GM mostly does a great and accurate job of selling, and offers so many items that people want. And even if it takes a couple extra days in the mail to get their cards, they aren't likely going to ever stop buying from GM anytime soon.

So, as I stated before, GM Cards appears to be damned if it does, and damned if it doesn't. So as any good and smart businessman/woman would do, GM may choose to let the people/group that would end up being the least costly or damaging to the company's bottom line, which in this case I think would be the people complaining about the shipping times, continue to be damned!!!!! And like I said earlier, I have no clue if that is truly the case behind GM's supposed slow shipping issues, but it is logical and makes some sense as a possible reason as to why things may not always get delivered as fast as some may want.

And in your specific case Chris, maybe the shipping crew was a little ahead of the game, and so as to not just be sitting around doing nothing, got some orders (including one of yours) out a little earlier than usual. You obviously were aware of and knew the written rule for GM Cards and their combined shipping discounts, yet you chose to purposely ignore their very clear written rules and ask for something you knew you didn't deserve anyway, RIGHT? So why shouldn't GM cards deserve the same ability to veer a little bit from their own written rules at times, without getting grief from others? And I'm not in any way saying you are giving GM Cards grief, but others are. I'm just trying to explain how they may not always be following their own written rules to a T, all the time, and I would also say in their case, justifiably so.

And one last point/comment directed at those that seem to have issues or concerns with GM Cards shipping times. Okay, it takes an extra week or so from when you thought you'd get your card(s) from them.......SO WHAT! Did you get the cards you wanted? Did you only pay a price you were happy with and/or willing to pay? Were the cards in the relative shape/condition you wanted and/or expected? Those are really the only true pertinent and relative questions one should be asking. Now if it was taking weeks or even months before getting those same cards, alright, then I could see some concerns and issues making sense because now you are worried about something having happened to your cards in transit. But what exactly different would you have done or would have happened or occurred in your life had you gotten your cards say 5-6-7 days earlier, or even later? And if the answer is well, nothing, then guess what all the complaints and moaning are about........................the same, NOTHING!
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