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Old 04-23-2023, 10:44 AM
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pawpawdiv9 pawpawdiv9 is offline
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Default hydroponics -gardening,not weed!

My dad had been trying to do this, this year. Growing from seeds. Tho we dont have a greenhouse, he is doing this in our small workshop.
He had a table setup with lights and fans on a timer.
He now has them in like red solo cups or bucket pals.
He was wanting to do a systems with pvc pipes and stuff, but would cost $ to do this from HomeDepot. We did look at online suppliers and may do it at some later point. We dont have access to a hydro shop near us, mostly in the Atlanta area as it is slowly catching on. We do a someone with a farm that does this, thinking of visiting it and read that Berry College has students doing this too.

Long story- but i would like to hear from people with their experinces.....probably BNorth will chime in, as i know he greenhouses.
1916-20 UNC Big Heads
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