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Old 04-26-2023, 01:13 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,275

Something about this entire story stinks. You have a legitimate, supposedly ethical, large and well-known corporate entity hiring an outside group that is outside actual law enforcement, and apparently without any actual legal order and backing, showing up at people's homes and confronting them with lies as to their true intent, and then confronting the alleged "wrongdoers" at their personal residence with no advanced warning? It would also seem that the outside group in confronting the alleged "wrongdoers" used some tactic or form of influence to get the result they desired, and retrieve the allegedly stolen property. The entire story leaves a lot of questions unanswered, with many holes to it that may likely never be filled. The tactics used, if there was a true theft behind all this, seem way out of line, and should have been handled through proper legal channels and efforts, using the courts and proper legal authorities. I can possibly understand if the hiring of a non-law enforcement group to more quickly investigate and track down and locate the alleged parties thought to be involved in some wrongdoing was done so as to be able to move much more quickly and effectively than actual law enforcement would likely be able to do, but once you thought you had found the alleged wrongdoing party, all that info and potential evidence should have been immediately turned over to the proper legal and law enforcement authorities. Not have your hired (insert applicable term/word) suddenly show up on people's doorsteps unannounced. What was supposedly done sounds more like something that might have been on an episode of the Sopranos. I'd love to find out if, and when, an actual police report was ever filed for the alleged stolen items, as well as if the group going throughout a neighborhood and up to people's houses had the foresight and courtesy to go to local law enforcement first, to advise them of them of what they planned on doing and get their permission and approval of their activities first.
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