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Old 05-08-2023, 12:36 AM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
Hartlands Part 2 is great!

Your co-host/producer is quite the card. What’s the background on Bart? And don’t say “flat cardboard box used for shipping.”
The background is TSOG's Worldwide Studios.

Seriously, Bart has a ridiculously varied background. He has spent most of his illustrious career writing and producing radio and television ad campaigns. Name any character actor and he has probably worked with him/her at some point. I have yet to name a celebrity that he can't impersonate to a tee. He also produced a lot of the anti-smoking ads you may have seen/heard back in the day.

In addition, he's a skilled musician who plays multiple instruments. He's played me a few 1980s recordings of his "ska" band, and it was really good... sort of in the style of English Beat, XTC and Madness, if you remember those bands.

These videos take longer than you'd imagine to produce. Even though they're completely unscripted, getting the right lighting, angles and sound can be difficult, especially when we're filming the interactive episodes like the Arcade Games and Hartlands.

Bart is quite a perfectionist. If the lighting isn't right or if there's reflection from a glass frame, it becomes a trial and error "musical chairs" of moving and dimming the lights, and repositioning the camera angle. Plus, space is limited so we must carefully work around a lot of "the stuff". Then there's all of the studio work, editing, special effects, music, sound effects and insertion of still shots. I could never do it myself, as it takes such time and patience.

So it's a true collaborative effort. I suggest the subject matter, provide ideas and talk about the stuff... and Bart does all of the rest. So I guess you'd say it's equal parts work and fun... with Bart doing the work and me having the fun.
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel, The Stuff Of Greatness. New videos are uploaded every week...

Last edited by perezfan; 05-08-2023 at 12:44 AM.
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