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Old 06-22-2023, 10:34 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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Posts: 2,247

I never said Kevin was not knowledgeable or very skilled in his work, I said the error rate. They kick stuff all the time that is good. One example, they are currently kicking all kinds of Kirby Puckett items because they learned a bunch of stuff that wasn’t good made it through the process. So is it right to kick back multiple items because they were burnt in the past? No, it’s not. There are many many other examples just like this.

No one here ever said Bill or Kevin weren’t great at what they do, they said they are taking peoples money and kicking back items that are good. Apparently that business model is ok with you.

Every person who submits larger quantities knows this. They don’t care because they (PSA) are keeping peoples money and they don’t allow push back. Just like you don’t allow push back.
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