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Old 07-05-2023, 03:15 PM
whiteymet whiteymet is offline
Fr3d mcKi3
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: whiteymet
Posts: 2,084

I have submitted some complete sets and other things to major AH's then find them a little later on ebay or in smaller auctions.

Specifically there is a major ebay seller with a sterling reputation here and on ebay who has bought sets of mine from an AH and then breaks up the set and sells them on ebay card by card.

I noticed it was my set and contacted them about other sets I had been thinking of consigning. They were VERY interested in buying directly as it saves them the AH buyers premiums, sales tax and shipping which can add up to close to 30% in some cases.

You selling directly to them saves you a sellers premium ( if any) and they would pay say 10-15% more than they would bid on the item in an auction in order to save the 30% if you get my drift. You just have to figure out a fair price for you and them.

Just a note, I am in no way related to any ebay seller other than myself.
Fr3d mcKi3
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