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Old 07-06-2023, 10:51 PM
bigfanNY bigfanNY is offline
Jonathan Sterling
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Originally Posted by VintageHoarder View Post
I told them that they deserved to be boycotted. They have all that power gone to their heads and just decide they can treat customers however they please. Thats when you know it's time for people to start waking up and boycotting any and all businesses that don't do right by the customer. Thankfully, they haven't seen a penny of my money, and after this experience, they likely never will. They would have to drastically change for the better before I ever even thought to submit anything to them.
Reading through this I notice you refer to yourself as PSA's customer but you didn't really spend any money grading this ticket with PSA. So since you haven't spent any money with a business are you really their customer?
Maybe if you had just cracked the slab and submitted it with your research and asked nicely this would have gone your way.

You started your relationship with PSA by contacting them and claiming they made a mistake labeling your stub and you would like them to fix it for no charge. Which was at best a stretch. Doing business with a corporation or a local contractor or shop is a choice both parties need to benifit from the transaction or the side that is on the short end has every right to choose not to do business.
Example guy buys a car, then sells the car to owner 2 a lady we will call Karen. Karen calls vehicle manufacturer and says I wanted a blue car but when I got it the was red. Please repaint the car blue and make me your customer happy. Customer svs says they will research your issue and get back to you. ( now manufacturer has to spend time to research and respond to you on their dime) they come back say car was ordered red by the original owner, who by the way is not you. Karen says this is unacceptable she wants a blue car and if she has to pay...she is not happy but she will pay. Oh and you must change the VIN and all records to reflect that her car is Blue and not Red. Customer service says hold on I will escalate this. Gabriel from cust service calls Karen and says we are not going to do this for you Karen it is too many unpaid man hours to do what you ask and our repainting fee will not make us whole we will lose money on this one off. Karen is not happy she cannot understand why this business will not make her happy how do they stay in business letting people walk away unhappy. When the fact is sometimes you need to say no to customer requests when they are outside the normal parameters. Just a business decision.

PSA has just expanded their Ticket grading department according to their website. They are trained on how to authenticate tickets and stubs and how to research using a very specific set of approved resources. Since the first professional game in 1871 records and boxscores have been collected and verified. PSA has I assume chosen a number of sites and books to help identify Games Boxscores Debuts significant events. If you ask them to go outside the regulated and verified games in these collections it is going to cost money in research timeand verification. Doesn't PSA have the right to look at any customer request and decide weather or not it makes business sense to comply with the request?
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