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Old 07-24-2023, 08:46 PM
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Domer05 Domer05 is offline
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Originally Posted by thetahat View Post
So the beautiful Collegiate 3D Dodgers pennant just sold for a good price on Heritage. Looks flawless except for three tiny uniform holes. I think there was once something attached to his left hand, vaguely remember seeing something. No image searches show it however. It also looks like the bum was drawn as if he’s meant to be holding something. The Heritage pennant shows two neat holes on opposite sides of his hand, identical to the single hole by the knapsack where I think it was once pinned down. I asked Heritage about the two holes during the auction and they added that to the description without elaborating. Some pics of others don’t show the holes at all.

So I was wondering if anyone has info about this. I own the 3D Giants and the Yankees and both have more 3D parts to them, the Dodgers just has the bat and knapsack.
Greg: As you know, I made a reproduction of this Dodgers 3-D pennant a few years ago over on Pennant Factory. For a variety of reasons, I had to draw the bum artwork free-hand, so I studied the artist's work in close detail. When I got to his outstretched left hand, I made the same observation....

Not because of any holes present; but, because of the way the artist drew the fingers. It's an odd pose ... almost like he should be clutching something that would hang below his hand? What else would belong in that hand? Maybe the handle of a plastic lantern ... but the lanterns never arrived on time?? (That actually wouldn't have looked too bad.)

Be that as it may, I don't think there was ever any intention by Collegiate of Ames of placing anything in this hand. I've never seen another of these with holes in those same spots. Since Collegiate used real wool, this pennant's holes were likely just made by a critter looking to feast on a 70/30 wool/rayon blend.
For more information on pennant makers, visit: ; then .
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