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Old 08-07-2023, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by bocca001 View Post
I have a few copies of the Giants 1962 team pennant, all with some clear imperfections (one even smells bad). The first one I picked up, many years ago (when I thought I might never find another), was very faded and missing a tassel. A few weeks ago, Football Rob found a copy of this 1962 pennant at the National that was in pretty good shape, but had no picture. So I decided to take the 1962 team picture off of my faded pennant so I could add it to the pretty clean one from the National.

I then figured that I'd try to dye the faded one (first pic) and turn it into a fantasy piece, using a different team pic or something like that. This was my first attempt at using dye (sprayed on the back). The dye did a good job on the faded cloth, but there was bleeding and staining on the graphics (second pic). Even after just a few minutes. I wasn't so happy with the look, so I spent three dollars on some paint an carefully painted the graphics (all of the white and the "frame" of the orange. I think it came out pretty good. I'm thinking about making in a 1958 pennant, although I'm not sure yet. I'm open to suggestions.

I can hardly believe how well that turned out. You must have killed it in Arts and Crafts at summer camp! The spine still needs to be re-attached, right? Are you handy with a needle and thread, too?
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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