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Old 08-15-2023, 05:06 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by jethrod3 View Post
I'm not sure if that is always the case, Scott, at least for all sports and all locations. I'll have to check some of the remaining tix I have from that purchase, as I received a lot of complimentary tix, but my recollection is that for some games, I have both stubs and hole-punched full tickets marked as complimentary. If I recall correctly, these were basketball and wrestling tickets. Will let you know if I find anything conclusive.
I'm speaking about baseball tickets only, as that's all that I've collected in tickets for over 50 years.

The info that I am passing on comes from personal observations from games that I have attended as well as info that I have received from friends that have worked in MLB ticket offices.
I will say that some teams issue tickets that have the word "Complimentary" stamped on them instead of hole punching them.

BTW, the sole purpose of either hole punching or stamping tickets is to correctly account for whether a patron was included or not included in "paid attendance" accounting.
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