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Old 12-07-2023, 08:24 PM
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Brian Dalrymple
Join Date: May 2022
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 375

Originally Posted by tycobb View Post
Brian im glad you started this topic as i find myself in a similar dilemma. I too could use some advice . I plan to hopefully consign what i feel and hope will be a very nice and significant piece to the hobby ( black sox related ).
This would be my first time using an AH to sell. I look forward to the responses from the very knowledgeable and experienced members of this forum.

P.s. Good luck Brian with your items !
It's a question I have wrestled with a bit of late.

Major AH vs smaller AH?
Consign to one AH vs spread out certain items?
Timing: Is Spring or Summer better? (Earlier?)
What can I expect/hope for in way of terms for a decent offering 50-75K worth of items (avg value 2-3K per card, some lower, some higher)?

Good luck to you as well and here's to hoping we get some good insight and direction.

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