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Old 02-05-2024, 07:23 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,162

The place to look isn't at what the kids were buying - Retailer to consumer.
But at the wholesaler to retailer business.

Any retailer, and the corner store people have been pretty sharp forever, would have to believe they would sell through the last series. If not, they wouldn't order them,in favor of something else. And with a need to preorder, the wholesalers salesmen would have been pushing football or something else in late summer to early fall. Then maybe hockey in some areas.

That lasted into the late 70's. Star Wars cards were very popular. First the blue and red sets, then the green and yellow ones. And there I figured it ended.
Until a friend from the other end of town asked if I had any of the orange ones.... In our town of about 50,000, only one store had them, and they sold out pretty quickly. I got a few, but only managed a couple trips up there.
Meanwhile all the small stores near me still had both the green and yellow series. and had them for a long time.
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