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Old 03-23-2024, 06:38 PM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I'm not in support of estalking. I can tell he's full of shit easily enough when he claims to have impossible powers and tells blatant lies he can't support to defend his favorite fraudsters . I love free speech over everything, but it would be nice if this idiot would at least try to keep his claims plausible instead of going over-the-top with the senseless ego babble not a single person is going to believe. It's like a four year old who doesn't understand there is an objective reality outside their internal narrative.
There is large a gray area between responding/addressing someone and estalking, imo. As you point out, he has opened himself up to ridicule with the absurd and baseless stuff that he posts. And this goes back to his early days here too.

I have not seen posts of his in support of PWCC or in defense of them since Brent was sent packing by Fanatics. Maybe I missed them but prior to that he was a moving banner ad for PWCC, no doubt.
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