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Old 03-30-2024, 11:24 AM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 4,318

Hi Jason. You ask a great question - references required when signing up for an auction house.

When I first started, I used my eBay ID. That’s all I had. If you have done business with other well-known dealers, perhaps you can use them.

Auction Houses will all let you sign up, even without material references, but you may have a cap/ceiling on what you are allowed to spend, which does not always work. So I often had to call, introduce myself, and prove that I had the wherewithal to pay for larger items; bank statement, etc. Most auction houses talk to each other, so once you are signed up with one, you use that as a reference for another, and so on. And like credit, buy/win a few cards and pay and you will start to build credibility with an auction, which in turn could allow them to raise any bid cap without you having to prove financial ability.

Bottom line, call them and talk to them. You may get some different answers, but that’s the best place to start.
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