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Old 04-10-2024, 05:22 PM
Richie Harris
Join Date: Apr 2024
Location: Coral Springs, FL
Posts: 76
Default New member...wants vintage mlb autographs

I am collecting MLB Managers autographs. I have a good sized collection back to the 1920s....only on flat items that can go into a binder page. No caps, bats or balls. I have a want list and am a buyer if I can get a reasonable price. These are not for resell, only to build my collection.
My want list includes:
Bill Donovan Phila 1921
Pat Moran Phila 1915-1918
Billy Murray Phila 1907-1909
Deacon McGuire Clev 1910-11
George Stovall Clev 1911
Joe Birmingham Clev 1912-1915
Jimmy Callahan Pitts 1916-17
Hugo Bedzek 1917-19
Jimmy McAleer Wash 1910-11
Joe Cantillon Wash 1907-09
George Stoval Browns 1912-13
Fielder Jones Browns 1916-18
Hank O'Day Cubs 1914
Bill Armour Detroit 1905-06
Jimmy Collins Red Sox 1901-06
Jake Stahl Red Sox 1912-13
Hughie Jennings
Nixey Callahan W. Sox 1912-14
John Ganzel Cinc. 1908
Ivy Wingo Cinc. 1916
Bid McPee Cinc. 1901-02
Shano Collins Red Sox
Would also like to have Miller Huggins and Wilbert Robinson but market prices exceed my budget
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