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Old 05-01-2024, 09:20 AM
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JustinD JustinD is offline
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Originally Posted by D. Bergin View Post
He probably wanted to trim that gash out of the right side...and if I'm being honest, that looked horrible, regardless of what type of "originalist" you are.

....and then he realized the card looked off-center, sparking some sort of OCD reaction in his brain from which he couldn't help himself.

Don't think it was anything nefarious. Just a little misguided maybe.
I can't imagine anyone thinking this was meant to deceive, I think he likely really just thought it would make it better aesthetically and failed miserably.

truly, I genuinely like the earned wear of age including a missing chunk here and there occasionally. I have to take the other side and say that the original card was leaps and bounds better looking than a trim...even if done with a paper cutter as some border is certainly better than none.
- Justin D.

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