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Old 02-11-2004, 03:04 PM
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Default Naxcom Hollywood Park Show

Posted By: warshawlaw

Re "Hookers": While I used the term jokingly as Jim Rome would (if you've ever heard "The Jungle", you know what I mean), these women sell sexual favors of the voyeuristic variety for money. Someone else has remarked that one of the women who was there actually does porn and sells herself over a web site for "escort" services. You sell sexual favors for money, you are a hooker. The term fits.

Re "Bashing": No. Bashing would be an ad hominem attack on a person, like if I called you an ass for having expressed a viewpoint that I find to be asinine. I merely expressed my opinion about the impropriety of having scantily clad women offering naked pictures of themselves and cloying pseudo-sexual physical contact to strange men for money at a family oriented event.

Re "losers": Again, my opinion is that anyone who feels the need to buy autographed naked photos and/or get jiggly with a strange woman for money is a loser. It was not directed at anyone specific, merely at people who need to get their sexual jollies that way.

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