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Old 02-19-2004, 08:35 AM
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Default A-Rod in Pinstripes

Posted By: Chris (the illini)

I have no interest in Jeter or the Yankees really outside of this discussion, as my favorite team wont play them unless they both reach the World Series. I just think its an interesting subject to talk about on a boring day at work.

That said, I do feel Jeter is overrated. He is an above average hitter for a SS and a below average fielder at the position. The fact that he made a few spectacular plays in the playoffs does not change that. I was at a game in St Louis one time where Kevin Mitchell caught a ball on the warning track, on a dead run, with his BARE HAND! Greatest play I ever saw. That did not suddenly make Mitchell into a great, or even average, outfielder defensively anymore than Jeter's play against Oakland made him a great defensive SS.

Ask baseball General Managers if they would rather have Jeter, Orlando Cabrera, or Edgar Renteria as their SS. I would be shocked if many at all would choose Jeter. Then compare the amount of publicity the latter two get compared to Jeter. Next to none. Jeter is a product of where he plays as much as how he plays...

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