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Old 09-15-2004, 02:38 PM
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Default In general, how do transactions with Forum members go?

Posted By: Judge Dred

I've sold to a few board members and all transactions went well.

I've purchased lots of items on ebay and off ebay (sold by board contributors) and for the most part all transactions went well with the exception of a few (I'm not going to name names of the "not so good transactions"):


One person with whom I like to deal is TXSM (ebay moniker). He has a very fair return policy - if you don't like it, send it back! No questions asked. Just don't hold it for a month. If I don't like the price of his cards I don't have to buy it from him. Pretty simple.


A raw T213 card was purchased on ebay but the seller didn't disclose the three small surface creases on the card. These creases did not show in the scan provided on ebay. Rather than make a big deal out of it (less than $100) I now know not to bid on his auctions in the future. Or if there is something that I like I know (now) to ask detailed questions regarding the item for auction. The card was relatively nice but the surface creases are very obvious (in person) and were not disclosed in the item description. I did email the seller and told him that I wish he would have disclosed the creases. I didn't receive a reply so I just didn't leave a feedback for that person. Why should I leave a negative feedback and have someone screw up my clean feedback record with a retaliatory negative feedback. I wish this person would have at least contacted me and apologized for the oversight (minimum) or that they would have offered a refund on the item.


An N28 card was sold to me which was SHORT. I sent it in for grading (knowing it would probably be rejected) and it was sent back unencapsulated due to trimming. I contacted the seller and was told that it was sold "as-is" which was never part of the original agreement. I never threatened the person but I told them how wrong they were for not taking the item back. Basically I was told to stop harrasing them and was provided with the name of an attorney that would bring charges against me if I were to "slander" him. I about died laughing because (I called) the attorney and found out he was a real estate attorney that probably wouldn't want any part of this. All this because they didn't want to refund the $175 or so dollars for selling something that was altered. My guess is that the person wanted to unload the item because they got it in a deal and didn't want to absorb the loss. The item was for sale on ebay and had a few days left. I emailed the seller with questions regarding the card. I wanted to know if it had been submitted for grading in the past and whether they considered the card gradeable. The replies were NO - not sent in for grading in the past, YES - it should be gradeable. I was surprised because the seller said they'd end the auction early and sell it to me at the minimum bid price. I never offered to purchase the card before the auction ended. The seller approached me about this. It was a lesson learned. This was a few years ago.

In any case I know who NOT to purchase from. I'm a fairly conservative and non-confrontational type of person that will try and take the higher road. I try to live by that adage: "screw me once - shame on you, screw me twice - shame on me."

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