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Old 09-15-2004, 07:07 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 58,359
Default In general, how do transactions with Forum members go?

Posted By: Brian McQueen

In the past I've attempted to show appreciation for this board and it's members through various posts of my own, so this post will not be any different. My collection would not be anything near what it is now if not for the contacts that I've made, the knowledge that I have gained and the friendships that I have found through this site. I'm also very thankful that I've not only met worthwhile individuals that share the same passion for the hobby that I do, but that I've also discovered new friends that I talk to on a weekly (or even daily) basis.

To echo an earlier comment, this board has made a fantastic alternative to Ebay. Whatever I have to sell will always be posted here first and Ebay will only be used as a last resort. Through other means (ie...Ebay) I have had a couple very negative experiences which were unfortunately never resolved. However my experiences on this board have been nothing but positive. I've both bought and sold cards to so many of you already that I don't dare name any names for fear of leaving someone out. But I did want to stop for a second and take the time to collectively thank those individuals as well as the board itself for having such a positive impact.

Best Regards,

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