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Old 10-19-2007, 11:36 AM
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Default Scarcity and Value Cards vs Memorabilia

Posted By: Greg Theberge

Agreed Barry. I hope I didn't imply that I didn't think highly of those who do it for a living. I have many friends who do the same as well. You guys are the lifeblood of our hobbies and without you there would be no hobby.

Of course, I think it would be exceptionally imprudent to not spend one's money wisely on one's purchases, but I strongly feel there should be something else to any hobby than just "how much is it worth?".

What worries me is that there are some who seem to be caught up primarily with the financial aspect of things, where monatary value has, at least on the surface, the appearance of priority.

I guess what I'm trying to say, but usually always fail miserably to do so, is that the concept of taking the purity of a kid and his dad collecting baseball cards and bastardizing the hobby into somebody's cold and calculating hedge fund just to make a buck essentially makes me ill.

Then again, I'm a sentimentalist who always gets a huge lump in his throat every time I watch a certain movie and hear the line "Hey Dad, you wanna have a catch?" (at which time my wife usually laughs at me)

I'm just not exceptionally eloquent over the internet at times.

It's probably time to take a break from contributing for a while. Sometimes this is worse than trying to rationalize what I meant to say to my wife.

Be well

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