Thread: Opinions Please
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Old 11-30-2004, 03:49 PM
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Default Opinions Please

Posted By: Todd

Maybe its because I can't stand trimmed cards (other than maybe the really scarce or some cards held for learning experience purposes), but I would return these and take him up on his money back no questions asked policy.

Why do you want these trimmed cards? and if you do, then pay the price and don't chisel him down. As has been stated, true ex-mt cards from the issue would go for considerably more, and the price you got was no doubt due in substantial part because others didn't want to take the risk or were confident that the cards were in fact trimmed. If you return them, seller can do with them what he pleases, if you keep them, you can do likewise, but the price was the price. Frankly I'd be somewhat pissed if I were this seller and the deal was 're-struck" after the fact in this manner, particularly in light of the full refund offer. Maybe some underbidder would have paid nearly what you did and then kept the cards happily.

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