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Old 12-29-2004, 03:55 PM
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Default PBOR.'s - Dave Bushing's magic wand!

Posted By: Joe P.

I know where you're coming from, and I don't have a problem with that. .... we're on the same page.

My point is:
It's not the number of years since the Ishiro Bat CAPER.

It's the same cast of characters, ... pulling the same sh!t.

People are still buying tickets to that play.
It's a show that shouldn't be running off Broadway.

Robert Plancich is fighting them, and he's practically fighting them by himself.

It has nothing to do with sports memorabilia or sports cards.
It's a case of outright PR deception, and monopoly of same.

Let me give you a somewhat similar situation.
In 1990, pre internet as far as I was concerned.
I found myself at the Texas National after closing out a fight against a scam of an altered heavy duty card.
A fight that I won with the help of Lew Lipset, Mark Macrae and Herman Kaufman against Dr Koos.

Here I was, a collector talking to all the dealers that I knew at the National.
As a matter of fact, Mark and I tried to convince a certain dealer from the mile high city that he had a bum Magie error in his case, a card BTW that he had picked up from a dealer from Flint Mi. at the show.
To make a long story short, this collector spent more time at that National trying to educate some of the dealers at what to look for in a Dr. Koos special.
They were all interested, but they were more interested in the upcoming Kit Young bash in Hawaii than banding together to fight Dr. Koos.
That was in 1990.
If you were to look in the forum 54 search engine,
you will find threads about Danny Dupchek and Dr. Koos.

Because the dealers didn't band together to tackle Danny boy in 1990, he was still a problem to the current collectors/investors.

So you see, that's why I don't buy the time span theory.

BTW, let me be fair to Alan Rosen.
He was not one of the dealers that I tried to pass on the info on Dr. Koos.
The man is the best hyper in the business.
He put the hobby on the map.
I've never bought a card from him, because I was always able to get it cheaper somewhere else in the country.
If I had contacted him, perhaps he might not have fallen victim to the Graded Doyle Caper.

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