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Old 02-06-2005, 11:46 PM
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Default Do you have questions for SCDA?

Posted By: Joe P.

"Joe, they've agreed to let me video tape the whole thing. And you can bet that if they try to spin our visit into something that it wasn't, I'll be the first one to speak up about it.

It may be a PR spin tour, but none the less, I gotten a bunch of good questions to ask them and the responses will be interesting and telling."

Jay, we've already heard their stonewall response to the questions.
What makes you think that they're going to change their tune?
I don't doubt that you have questions.
What they would fear is five (5) Robert Plancich.
They would try to avoid that like the bubonic plague.

What makes you think that they can't read?
They've read every thread dealing with their stabilizations.
They know the Game Plan & your Play Book.

Have you ever wondered why they would want you on their turf?

Or why they don't mind you bringing your video camera?
Where are you going to play the tape, .. in court. .... don't be naive to think that this set up wouldn't be orchestrated on their turf.

Once you are there, it's their turf and their rules. ... the best you can do is get up and leave, but you probably wont.

All they need is an old box camera.
A nice group picture.
Send it to SCD.
The caption will read:
"We Have Nothing To Hide."

Jay, I know that this is going to be diffcult to believe, but they may try to stonewall even you.

Their conflict of interest, & credibility is being rightfully questioned, and they are concerned.

BTW Jay, why did you change your signature.
The one about all that illicit depravity, filth and you wanted in.
It was one of my favorites.

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