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Old 04-12-2005, 02:51 PM
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Default Tips/ Ideas/ And your thoughts on starting T206

Posted By: My 2 Cents

In all seriousness.
First you have to establish.
Are you a collector, or an investor?

A collector does it for the enjoyment of filling in an empty slot, and never thinking of what the card would fetch later.

An investor, just like someone that owns and follows the price of the current oil stock market, is just that, an investor.
Stock investors have never been looked upon as collectors.
If they didn't move their investments according to the up and down movements, the results would be like overstaying your welcome at a slot machine.
To some on this board, cards are a glorified stock.
It has more of a related identity, than a share of US Steel say. ... it's a fun stock.

There's nothing wrong in having the investment approach, but let's call a spade, a spade. ...

It's all part of the hobby/investment picture.
Which road will you select?

This collector has enjoyed every bit of his adventure.

I have won some, and I have lost some.
I have at times been involved in auctions that I had no business being in. ... but won.
I had more pelotas than brains.
My main T206 set is missing only the second hardest card in the set.
The set I really love is the one made up of cards that were loved by every T206 collectors that ever lived, and that one has 484 cards in it.

Folks, I'm proud of my adventure.
I'm not a rich person, I am just like you.
I earned my money through my job.
My adventure was my sublimation to counter the job.
I could have easily gone into wheeling and dealing, but that would have created another job and defeated the purpose of the sublimation.
I am satisfied with the choice I made at the fork in the road.
It worked for me.

What is YOUR choice?

A Collector, or an Investor? ....


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