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Old 05-01-2005, 11:30 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default How much money is out there?

Posted By: Texas Ted

Without sharing more information than is prudent, I got into cards as a way to diversify my investments. A few years back when the dot coms were flying and stocks seemed to be hitting new highs every day, I decided it could not last, and sold a bunch of stock to put into cards. While I did not expect them to earn huge dividends, I just did not want to have all of my eggs in the stock market basket.

Well it did not take long for the market to drop, and I have friends whose portfolios took hits of 50% or more. My cards have either maintained their values or gone up a little.

I have since taken many of those large lots and sets, and sold individual cards or smaller lots to make small profits. Since I am semi-retired, I have the time and energy to do that, and do not need to depend on the income to feed my family. All the dollars I get from sales net of expenses go right back into cards. As a result, my initial "diversification" has done much better than what it would have done in the market, and has been a whole lot more fun.

Now I guess I am a small time dealer, and would like to protest against some of the anti dealer sentiment and rants I have seen on the board. Dealers provide a service that helps your hobby. We in fact make a market for the cards you love. We bring the buyer and seller together and make a little for our efforts. If all sellers had the time, talent and desire to market their cards individually, they could realize the highest return for their cards. But most don't want to take all that time, and are willing to take something less to get their money immediately without a lot of work. That allows me to do all the scanning, listing, mailing, record keeping and dealing with the occasional moron, non paying bidder and check bouncer to supply the cards y'all like to collect. True, some dealers are jerks and money grubbers and there are the frauds and shysters out there too. But many "dealers" are not bad people.

Thanks for letting me rant.

Texas Ted
Starting my third attempt at a second childhood.

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