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Old 10-25-2005, 08:31 AM
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Default Sets vs. Singles

Posted By: identify7

Like the fortworthcollector, I never tried to assemble a complete set of cards because of the money I would spend on cards which I did not want.

Instead, I started collecting cards which represented to me the highlights in baseball for selected years. For example, the year 1920 had John McGraw continuing his relative dominance of the NL - which continued beyond the 20s. So kicking off that decade in 1920 one of his cards was a must. Additionally due in part to Babe Ruth, the Yankees began their string of successes which are unparalleled. Plus in 1920 he established the meaning of "Ruthian" with the first 50+ HR, .800+ SA performance. So his card should be included.

Also this was the year that the Black Sox got thrown out of baseball, the year Slim Sallee matched Mathewson's more "wins than walks given up", and the first year in which a team had four pitchers with 20+ wins.
So although there are a lot of cards for 1920 (and lots of other years), with patience a person can complete his 1920 collection.

Then pick another year which interests you. I enjoy the research, the "discoveries", the selection, comprimizes, accomodations, extravagances, and the ability to make this assembly a type set (almost) too.

And a person can afford it. And each year is small enuff that you can accomplish completion within a reasonable time frame.

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