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Old 09-26-2007, 05:20 PM
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Default Leon has opinions just like the rest of us

Posted By: rand brotman

WOW! what's the big friggin deal?? Jay its almost like you want to be banned..This is the # 1 Reason why Leon does not want private money..because people like you would send him 50 cents and think YOU have the right to say whatever you want to on this FREE board. Leon should 100% sell ad space, his job on here sucks! I have actually spent money (Sloate) on auctions i never visited before because of the ads. i know my purchase with Barry's auction probably paid for his annual rate. Jay some of your posts are informative, and i enjoy learning from you. Alot of your posts are sarcastic remarks with nothing of value. Please **** or get off the pot, either add something or go away!!! Leon can voice his opinion whenever he wants because this board is FREE, so whats the big deal?????

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